Vinyl PM503 Glacier Lake Pro Max

1.99 /Sqft

74.49 /Box

23.77 /Sqft/Box

sq ft.
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HomeLike Rigid Core Pro Max

With presence of HomeLike Rigid Core Pro Max collection, compromising between durability, beauty and resilience is no longer a hard choice to make. Along with enhanced features of painted bevel and Embossed In Register technology, the extra-long and ultra-wide planks provide a luxurious high-end look and reduce pattern repetition, making HomeLike Pro Max a striking choice for corporate spaces and hospitality locations.

Length 60" Width 9.05"
Thickness 6.5mm Wear Layer 20mil
Finish EIR Edge Description Painted Bevel
Sqft/Box 22.64 lb/Box 48.7
Box/Plt 48 Sqft/Plt 1087
lb/Plt 2337 Plt/20'FCL 21
Residential Warranty
Lifetime Limited
Commercial Warranty