Vinyl Amarillo Pearl REAW8401 Angel Woods
1.99 /Sqft
78.31 /Box
23.77 /Sqft/Box
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Angel woods
The Republic Pure SPC MAX Flooring Revolution in Your home!
As someone once said Republic Pure SPC MAX: “You can’t have a floor that looks more like real wood without cutting down a tree.”
The naturally harmonious surface virtually never wears out. The core of the floor is 40% denser SPC floor made anywhere providing you with strength, durability and stability that will last as long as you own the floor – and then some.
Republic Pure SPC MAX
MAXimum strength, MAXimum durability, MAXimum stability, MAXimum style
Box Size: 26.19 SQF
Finish: Aluminium Oxide UV+Ceramic beads.
Wear layer: 0.5/20mil
Installation method: Glueless Floating.
Installation level: All Grddes.
Surface: EIR+4side V-groove
Planks length: 1524mm (60")
Planks width: 228mm (9")
Residential warranty: Limited 50 Years.
Commercial warranty: Limited 10 Years.
Total Thickness: 6 mm.
(Including 1.00mm anti-bacterial acoustic underlayment).