Hardwood Select US Walnut Ma Maison 1
1.99 /Sqft
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23.77 /Sqft/Box
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Ma Maison I is a collection of our original signature custom made wood flooring products. Ma Maison I is manufactured domestically in southern California. In this product line we manufacture both solid and engineered products. You may choose to order your signature custom wood flooring unfinished or prefinished.
Product Information:
Species: White Oak (European & or Domestic) in Plain Sawn or Quartered & Rift Sawn, US. Walnut, US. Cherry, US. Hickory, Pine, Burmese Teak, Wenge, African Mahogany and more.
1- 5/8” with 4mm wear layer
2- 3/4” with 6mm wear layer
3- 7/8” with 10mm wear layer
Width: from 3” to 12” as you wish
Length: 2’ to 11 feet long
Stain / Color: We offer verity of custom colors , Also do fuming and carbonizing.
Finish: European Hard Wax Oil, European invisible water base, UV Oil or domestic Polyurethane.