Hardwood Soleste Outer Banks - Clic

1.99 /Sqft

203.39 /Box

23.77 /Sqft/Box

sq ft.
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Species: European Oak
Structure: Engineered 3-layer solidcore
Surface Layer: 2.5mm wood face layer
Width: 6"
Thickness: 9/16"
Length: 70-7/8"
Edge Detail: 4-sided microbevel
Surface Texture: Light Wirebrushed
Gloss Level: Low degree luster level
Variation Level: 3 - Strong
Finish: UV Cured Polyurethane Finish with Aluminum Oxide
Installation: Click, Stapled, glued down or floated
Suitable Location: On, above or below grade 
Certification: Floorscore
Radiant Heat: Suitable for use with hydronic systems
Warranty: Limited 35-year residential & lifetime structural